Fluxx Game

Fluxx is a card game in which the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game. By playing cards, you change numerous aspects of the game: how to draw cards, how to play cards, and even how to win. At the start of the game, each player holds three cards and on a. Fluxx Games: Fantasy Fluxx: Star Trek Voyager Fluxx: Astronomy Fluxx: SpongeBob Fluxx (specialty edition) TOS & TNG Fluxx Bundle: Complete Monty Python Fluxx Bundle: Complete Firefly Fluxx Bundle: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Fluxx: Complete Doctor Who Fluxx Bundle: Fluxx 5.0: Holiday Fluxx Bundle: Jumanji Fluxx (specialty edition) Marvel Fluxx. Fluxx Dice (Fluxx Dice expansion): Starts the game with the Dice Override Rule in play as the default state Plan B (early printings of Math Fluxx): Requires there be one form of mathematical win available at all times Plan C (early printings of Math Fluxx): Makes all forms of mathematical wins available at all times as the ONLY way to win the. Finisher FLUXX is the mad professor’s answer in big glowing letters. The experiment has produced a creative effect plug-in that is certain to animate your sounds. Super-charging them while deconstructing them on a subatomic level: From quirky to epic.

Game Rules / How To Play / Instructions


Have you ever played a game that during game play the rules change? Fluxx gets its name due to the rules being constantly in flux. No two games will ever be the same as different modifies and objectives are use and are continually changing. Just when you think you are going to win things change and out of no where you could instantly be the game winner when it's not even your turn.
With lots of different versions of Fluxx (ranging from Batman, Monty Python, and Firefly or other science fiction themes) you can find one that fits your style. Step outside the traditional rules and order of game and enter a whole to new world of changing things on the fly. Fun, engaging and challenging - Fluxx is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
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  • Official Rules And Instructions When You Purchase Fluxx
Regardless of if it's your turn or not, if you meet the conditions of the current goal you will win instantly.
Please keep in mind that the official Fluxx rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. The rules below are some of the exact directions that came in the original packaging.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the directions or anything you want about Fluxx. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Brooke says:
I love how games are always changing the rules slightly to put a new twist on things and this one literally does just that - the rules keep changing! I get so frustrated when I'm just about to win and the rules change. It does work in your favor though when you're losing horribly and then you suddenly win.

When you play a board game or card game, do you find comfort in the solid rules of the game? Or do you like coloring outside the lines and making up your own rules?

If it’s the latter, then Fluxx may be just your kind of game.

Just like the name implies, Fluxx is always in a state of flux – with the rules and objectives of the game changing constantly.

How to play Fluxx
Fluxx is a game all about change – with the game changing with almost every card played. It’s starts with a few simple rules, but once you start playing cards, the game changes and becomes more complex as players change rules or add special cards.

The flow of the game is very simple enough as players take turns drawing and playing cards. On their turn, players 1. Draw the number of cards required, 2. Play the number of cards required, 3. Discard down to the hand limit (if any), and 4. Comply with the Keeper limit (if any). And the game starts out with the Basic Rules of draw 1 card, play 1 card.

But it’s the cards themselves that change the game up once you start. Each turn players draw cards then choose which card(s) they want to play – all with their unique effect on the game. There are 5 main card types that effect the game and change it up.

The Cards

New Rule: the new rule cards can either change a rule already in play or add to it. If it contradicts a rule already in play, the new rule card replaces the one already out. If it doesn’t contradict, then it just adds to the rules. For example – a “Draw 4” new rule will replace the basic rule of “Draw 1” and then every player will draw 4 cards to start their turn. If it’s a “Hand Limit 1” then it won’t cancel the “Draw 1” basic rule but will add to it and at the end of their turn, each player will have to discard down to just 1 card in their hand.

Goal: the goal cards set the objective of the game. The game starts without an objective until someone plays a goal card. With a goal card in play once someone meets the requirements indicated on the card, they win. But this too can change and players will keep playing goal cards that will replace the one already in play. So you may be close to accomplishing the goal when the player right before you changes the goal.

Fluxx Game Instructions

Keeper: these are cards that players simply set out in front of them, face up, to keep. Most of the goal cards of the game indicate combinations of Keeper cards that you need to have in front of you to win the game. So players want to keep an assortment of Keepers in front of them. But of course, other players may also play cards that will steal your Keepers.

Action: action cards are just used once and discarded. For example, they’re the cards that will let players steal Keeper cards. And some of these action cards may create a lot of chaos. So just do what they say and be on your way.

Creeper: the Creeper cards are like Anti-Keepers. You don’t want these cards in front of you. Unfortunately you don’t have a choice when you draw a Creeper. As soon as you draw one of these cards, you have to play it in front of you.

And that’s how you play Fluxx – draw and play cards until someone wins. It’s very simple to teach and play, which makes it very easy to pull out and play with your family and friends.

Many versions of Fluxx for the picking
Because Fluxx has been such a hit, Looney Labs has created a whole assortment of themed Fluxx games. And a lot of what people like about Fluxx are the funny themed versions. For example instead of just basic Keeper cards of Cookie, Bread, and Love you can have Cow, Tinfoil Hat, and Mars in the Martian Fluxx edition. Sure the game still plays the same, but when you’re playing a crazy game, why not do it with a crazy theme.

  • Fluxx (original)
  • Star Fluxx
  • Pirate Fluxx
  • Martian Fluxx
  • Monty Python Fluxx
  • Zombie Fluxx
  • Eco Fluxx
  • Family Fluxx

Fluxx Game App

Can the whole family enjoy Fluxx?
To play Fluxx you’ll need to be able to read the cards. As you can see from the photos, every card has a bunch of text on it and players will need to be able to read and understand each card to know how it will affect the game. So the indicated age on the box of 8+ is about right.

Of course, enjoying Fluxx is very subjective. So even if you’re old enough, we can’t really say if you’ll like Fluxx or not. And maybe even on most days you may not like Fluxx. But on those days when you’re feeling a little crazy it may be just your thing.

In our family, dad and mom don’t much care for Fluxx, but the kids have loved it. Maybe it’s because kids like the concept of making their own rules and changing them all the time. Maybe it’s because they just love doing crazy things. Who knows exactly why, but they really enjoy Fluxx.

How much luck is involved in Fluxx?
There is a ton of luck involved in Fluxx – that’s what it’s all about, crazy luck. This game is all about what cards you draw and what crazy rules and goals are put in play. Sure you can make choices of which cards to play and thus affect the game play – so there is a slight element of control. And yes, sometimes these choices may be difficult. But since the game is such a light game, you simply make a choice and move on. Chances are the cards you play will be changed up anyway, so just play and move on and hope for crazy luck.

How does Fluxx score on the “Let’s Play Again” meter?
Like I mentioned before, Fluxx scores high on our kid’s “Let’s Play Again” game meter but low on mom and dad’s. Sure we’ll play it with them. Because if the kids want to have crazy fun, we’ll join in. But we won’t be the ones suggesting it. Also, because the game length is also random, you may be able to play many games back to back. So if the cards fall right and the game ends in 5 minutes, you bet they’ll be calling out to play again.

So if you want some crazy, random card playing – then pick up a copy of Fluxx.

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